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Create an inspiring home office is easy when you know how. Whether you have a small corner or an entire room here’s how to turn your workspace into a creative environment you’ll want to spend time in.

6 ways to upgrade your stay home experience

Create an inspiring home office is easy when you know how. Whether you have a small corner or an entire room here’s how to turn your workspace into a creative environment you’ll want to spend time in.

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While the word computer chair may make you think of a swivel chair on wheels for a desk chair, it doesn’t have to be the case. Instead choose a chair that you think looks good, as well as being comfortable, whether its categorised as a desk chair or not. Don’t forget to add extra comfort with throws, cushions and blankets. Not only do they add another texture, but they will keep you warm when working from home.

How to look stylish working from home

1. Don’t let comfy mean frumpy. When you look professional you feel professional so you should always be stylishly pulled together and well-groomed.

2. Stay tuned into fashion trends. When you’re not in an office environment you can forget about style. When you look dated, people think your ideas are dated.

3. Boost your wardrobe with colour. Lift your mood and spirits with colour. You will feel more creative, confident and productive in brighter hues.

4. Pay attention to the waist up. You might be wearing jeans and slippers down below but make an effort with flattering styles and colours waist up for those video conference calls.

5. Have a jacket handy for those impromptu video calls. They instantly make you look professional.

6. Allow yourself a casual Friday outfit. Consider it as a dress down day, a day when you’re doing more admin and getting ready for the weekend. Allow yourself to wear a workout gear for a change.

7. Always make time for your hair and makeup. When you look good, you feel good, so a little blush, lipstick and mascara are all you need to freshen yourself up and look fabulous.

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