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An organised home not only looks good, but it makes you feel calm and reduces stress. Here are simple ways to tackle the clutter with these easy storage ideas.

How to organise your home

An organised home not only looks good, but it makes you feel calm and reduces stress. Here are simple ways to tackle the clutter with these easy storage ideas.

Styled storage is a hot trend right now, thanks to social media, and books like Marie Kondo, which all motivate you to make your home organisation a thing of beauty.  While some of us love the prospect of de-cluttering the home, for others, the very notion of getting organised feels daunting. No matter which one you are, you’ll find brilliant organising tips out there to help you sort your entire home. The first step really is to think Marie Kondo and do away with the clutter that doesn’t spark joy. From there you’ll have less stuff and then you can start organising what you do have with simple storage solutions. Here we show you some simple and stylish ideas from to get you started.

Bag some baskets

Who doesn’t love a basket? You can never have too many. Not only do they look great dotted around the home, but neatly storing things in baskets whether they are on a shelf, cupboard or floor is a great way to tidy your stuff. Whether it's kids’ toys, makeup, blankets, or rolled-up socks, there’s always a place for a basket.

Go for a jar

Glass jars are a great way to organise your pantry and you can even use one as a dispenser for water! Dry food like cereal, pasta, and nuts stored in labeled jars will not only look great but make food easy to find. They aren’t just reserved for the kitchen either, jars in the bathroom to store small toiletries like cotton buds and makeup remover pads are a great way to keep those things in place.

The joy of wire

Whether it’s using wire mesh as a noticeboard or a wire basket to hold fruit, an indoor plant, blankets, or a stack of books, wire is both pretty and functional. With baskets available in various sizes, shapes, and patterns, they are both sturdy and durable making them a great storage idea. 

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Hooks & Hangers

There’s something about having a stylish hook or hanger on the wall. They always look great even if you don’t have anything hanging on them. Great for dressing gowns, towels, and scarves, and you can even hang a lightweight bag on them to store items that usually end up on the floor.

Love pots and trays

It’s a simple thing but having a letter tray to store all your bills and paperwork that comes into your house will make any kitchen table or any surface look tidier. Even if you don’t have a designated desk to put it on, a tray will keep paperwork neat and tidy, and you’ll always be able to find that lost letter. Similarly, a pen pot will stop them from being scattered around the house.

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